What is the impact of flooding on individual structures in my community (e.g., homes, businesses, schools)?
Using this tool, a user can examine:
- If a certain structure is located within the inundation area of a certain storm (500-year storm, for example)
- Flood depth at that structure
- Flood damage in $$ for individual structures
- Percentage of structures flooded in each census block
- Flood damage in each census block
- Distinguish between losses to residential versus non-residential structures

Tool Interaction
-Inundation extent
-Individual structure damage
-Losses per census block
-Residential vs. non residential losses
Examine Inundation and Flood Depth

Examine damage for per census block

Examine damage for each structure

User Feedback
- Does this information change your views on your own flood risk?
- Does this information match your perception of loss of services in your community during flood events?
- Which flood loss reduction strategy is most suitable for your location?
Include more storm scenarios (5, 10, 25, 100-year)
Include historical storms that the community is familiar with (e.g., 2016 flood; Laura; Barry)
Simulate existing conditions and proposed (general) mitigation scenarios (e.g., dredging, detention)
Include additional flood risk metrics for individuals and community